Archive for the ‘ Video ’ Category

10 Opening Credits You Have To Recognize…

…if you were growing up in 80-90s in a post-Soviet country.

Special thanks to my brother for having an awesome memory!

I’ll go chronologically backwards, from the ones you remember for sure, to the ones that’ll awaken your earliest memories.

1. Sunset Beach 1997-1999

Yes, we were young, stupid and were watching this blah

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Sandmonkey on MSNBC

Famous Egyptian blogger Sandmonkey, who I recently interviewed for RFE/RL and who later was arrested, assaulted and basically robbed by the Egyptian police, is talking on MSNBC from Tahrir square here.

10 Best Super Bowl Ads

I love creative commercials. I mean, who doesn’t?

Viral Video Chart has put together Best Super Bowl Ads, according to the number of times they have been shared on Facebook and Twitter.

Mashable shows the top 10. Enjoy.

1. Volkswagen Commercial: The Force.

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Democracy Freedom and Dignity

Creative poster of an Egyptian protester

As the resistance in Egypt continues today, these are today’s updates.

Egypt in Tweets:

@alfredoboca: If your government shuts down the internet, shut down your government.

@hasanalikhattak: women expected to take active role in protests today after men spent the night protecting neighborhoods #Egypt #Jan25

@samihtoukan Arab people are not extremist nor terrorists.Our time has come.We deserve democracy and to live with freedom and dignity #jan25 #egypt

‎@sandmonkey: 5 years ago my beliefs made me a minority opposition, today I am the people #jan25

@chrisalbon: AJE in Egypt is shut down. If there was ever a time for citizen journalism, this is it.

UPD: Dan Nolan updates information on the closure of Al Jazeera on his Twitter.

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A Man and a Woman… And Lider TV.

My brother has been a journalist since the age of 16. He started working in a very difficult time for our family and would share with me part of the money he earned, so I could buy myself lunch at school. He would stay in the office till late night, writing several articles a day, trying himself in politics, culture and sports. He would make interviews, reports, analytical articles.

Today, he has almost 10 years of working experience in something he loves and knows how to do. I’ve always felt I have a lot to learn from him. And,  it turns out, i’m not the only one.

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